Saturday, September 8, 2012

Off Thyroid Meds(Iodine?)

Have great news. Turns out that the Jaminet’s are on to something again. Im no longer taking any thyroid meds! When I read their thyroid protocol I was skeptical, since I have Hashimoto’s. They recommend iodine for everyone with these issues. Thing is iodine is said to inflame the autoimmune process in those with thyroiditis. But being that other recommendations by them provided me with great relief, I tried it. What sparked the decision to stop ingesting these pork capsule was the stress they provided. I’d have to think about how many hours before I ate because things like calcium, iron, or just plain old food affect its absorption. These prescriptions are awful for people like me(with ocd). ‘Guidelines became a daily hassle. And if I deviated slightly, I felt like the world was tilted. Plus, it didn’t feel natural. I dreamt of the day when i’d be free of this leash. When I could roam everywhere without this leash. So thats what I did.

I was moving in my brother into his new apartment in Syracuse. This was a new experience, I hardly travel. Worrying about my meds, and healthy food trap me in the ward of NYC. While this is his senior year, this was only my second time visiting him. It was like finding spring water in an alley. This sense of carefreeness, alien to me, encompasses you. But the damn worries kept on! I was fuggin tired though, so soon after coming home I decided one morning to just not take it. I just went on for a looong walk in Van Cortland park. I was, by the hour, surprised at the progress I’d made. Before if I hadn’t taken them passed two hours after 8am I’d feel so crappy. Headaches, dullness, etc. I wasn’t feeling a thing. But I kept reminding myself to deflate the big head, anything could happen. But hell, after three days I still didn’t get the withdrawal ickiness. It’s now been about two weeks, and I feel normal. Pretty crazy. Had you told me this was possible a month ago, I’d angrily counter. 

So it seems like this shift in lifestyle provides colossal benefits. Ive followed this (paleo 2.0) for a while now. Don’t now if its the diet, the iodine+selenium(must couple them), or the combination. I guess its the latter. From 180mg of armour to nothing. wow. Amazing. These people in this paleosphere are doing people a great service.

So heres what I’ve been doing:

-Eliminated many neolithic concoctions- industrial vegetable oils, grains, legumes, sweetened beverages

<>Eating lots of safe starches(exceeding the jaminet approach); yucca, plantains, taro, sweet potatoes, yams(African/Caribbean variety)
<>A bit of red meat, since Im getting the bulk from carbs. So, Ill eat a palm of beef for my second/last meal
<>Eating two meals within an 8hour window. Ex. I’ll eat my first meal at 12, second at 7or8. So you’d fast for 16hours everyday(also known as intermittent fasting). 

<>300mg Magnesium
<>200mcg Selenium
<>Iodine. Here are the Jaminet guidelines, which I follow: “Start at 225 mcg and never double dose faster than 1 per month, eg 225 mcg –> 450 mcg –> 900 mcg –> 1/2 prolamine –> 1 prolamine –> 1/2 Iodoral –> 1 Iodoral.” Always couple  iodine with selenium(200mcg). This is what protects against the nasty effects many hashi's people ascribe to iodine. I recommend this series by Mario Renato Iwakura:

_Hopefully this helps some out there. Everyones different though. I do well with lots of starch, some do better with lower carb higher fat. I try to mimic my genetic lineage. My parents are from the carribean, being mixed racially, I go with what West Africans ate/eat(tubers forming bulk of diet)